RAIPUR : 30 APRIL 2023.

The only Homograft bank in Chhattisgarh and Eastern Central India was established on 19th November 2022. Within 4 months the generosity of people of Chhattisgarh became evident when 3 hearts were donated by three families. 4 Valved conduits were harvested from their hearts.

It is a matter great pride for the cardiac surgical and transplants community of Chhattisgarh that within 6 months of inception of the bank a Pulmonary Valved conduit has been transplanted in a 6 year old child. A special Gift of Life Programme was organized for Aryan Raj on this occasion chaired by Dr. Vineet Jain. Aryan who hails from Bihar presented to Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital and was diagnosed to have Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve Syndrome. In this condition the Pulmonary valve is absent giving rise to free leak and dilatation of vessels supplying lungs. A 20mm Conduit was implanted with total correction and reduction plasty of branch PA’s by Dr. Ragini Pandey and team 7 days ago.

The Child recovered very well from the procedure. Using an Artificial Conduit was not an option for these humble parents since it costs over One Lakh Rupees for Conduit itself. The whole surgery was performed “Free of Cost”

Today a life has been saved due to the generous people of Chhattisgarh The whole project was very well supported by the SOTTO team of Chhattisgarh headed by Dr. Vinit Jain, Director and Dr. Ajit Mishra, Deputy Director. SOTTO members with Dr. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. K.K. Sahu have been a source of continuous encouragement and to paving way for a bright future for transplant in Chhattisgarh.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Vineet Jain congratulated the Doctors and staff members of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital. He mentioned that parts of heart are being used as Graft and more and more patients will be benefited in future. He was hopeful that Sathya Sai Sanjeevani will be ready for heart transplant in near future.

Dr. Ajit Mishra observed the fact that the rate of donation is very less. He informed that 1 person can save lives of at least 8 people even after his death. So he appealed all to be aware and make others aware of Organ Transplant and Tissue transplant. Dr. K.K.Sahu, Chief CTVS, Medical College Raipur lauded the unseen efforts of the entire medical team before and after surgery. He congratulated Team Sanjeevani for the FIRST successful implant. Dr. Ragini Pandey, Chief Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon, offered vote of thanks.

By the Divine Direction of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, patronage of Sadguru Madhusudan Sai and leadership of our Chairman Dr. C.Sreenivas; we were able to embark upon the Homograft Bank in Nava Raipur Centre. Our special thanks to Dr. Marco Pozzi who with the help of Interventional Rotary and Rotary Club of Raipur was instrumental in raising funds to complete the project.

Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital gives heartfelt thanks to Ramakrishna Care Hospital, Raipur and AIIMS, Raipur and their staff who helped in motivating donors. Words are indeed not enough to thank the donor families for their magnanimity. They continue to live in our Hearts and Hearts of patients. The Staff members of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital actively associated with the Homograft Bank were felicitated on this occasion. Dr. Nikhil Shukla, Programme Officer, DMCHP conducted the programme elegantly.